

I began using photography as an outlet after my grandparents passed away. I was left feeling a kind sadness that I had never felt before. My car, my camera and music became my only source of contentment in the chaos.  I didn’t have to have a plan or a destination, I was free of it all. I began feeling like I was more connected to my angels in those moments than at any other time throughout my day. The adventures I have taken and the random people I have met with my camera in my hand are all just postcards from my angels and I couldn’t feel more blessed to have them guiding me through this journey. 

This photo was taken on a back road in Tennessee in 2011 on one of my very first adventures out with my camera. I remember exactly how it felt seeing them there, two strong trees, standing alone, yet intertwined for all these years. Standing tall, proud and beautifully as my Granddaddy and Grandma did for 64 years. The trees are the inspiration behind my logo as my grandparents are the inspiration behind each photo I capture.